What Steps Need To Be Taken To Secure A Loan?

  You’ll see some pictures in this video to help you remember later, but the first step in securing a loan is to complete a loan application. To do so, you’ll need the following information. Pay stubs for the past 2-3 months. W-2 forms for the past 2 years....

What Are Discount Points?

  Discount points allow you to lower your interest rate. While this video simplifies things to help you remember, “points” are essentially prepaid interest with each point equaling 1% of the total loan amount. Generally, for each point paid on a 30-year mortgage...

What Factors Affect Mortgage Payments?

  Well, as this story shows, the amount of the down payment the size of the mortgage loan, the interest rate the length of the repayment term and payment schedule will all affect the size of your mortgage payment. In bullets: down payment loan size interest rate...